HP CoolSense is a program used for controlling the HP notebook’s thermal settings. It was first released in April 25, 2011. The application tries to prevent overheating by analyzing, detecting, and automatically adjusting the computer’s cooling system using its Automatic Detection System. It also provides configuration settings that are used for specifying the cooling preferences of the HP notebook. The application offers two predetermined modes – Stationary and Mobile mode. The Stationary mode is selected when the computer’s motion sensor detects that the notebook is placed on a stationary, stable surface while the Mobile mode is selected when the motion sensor detects that the notebook is in a mobile environment.
There are three cooling options for each mode – Coolest Mode, Performance Optimized Mode and Quietest Mode. The Coolest mode is used for maintaining the coolest possible temperature of the HP notebook while the Performance Optimized Mode is used for maintaining the highest possible performance of the notebook’s CPU. Users may also choose the Quietest Mode to allow the program as quietly as possible. Adjusting the program’s configuration can be done by clicking on its icon on the task bar. Available settings include “On”, “Off” and “Auto”. Selecting the On switch allows the program to configure the notebook’s thermal settings to prevent overheating. When the Off switch is selected, the program will configure the notebook to run at full performance. Selecting the Auto switch allows HP CoolSense to automatically detect whether you are in a Mobile or Stationary mode.