The Adobe Extension Manager CS5 is an application used to manage downloaded extensions. It is also used to submit extensions to be distributed within the Adobe Exchange website. The Adobe Extension Manager CS5 is a component of the Creative Suite 5 installer. It is also available in selected individual Adobe products. A standalone Extension Manager can also be downloaded from the Adobe Exchange website.
The Adobe Extension Manager CS5 program manages plug-ins that has been recognized as extensions. The program will show the list of Creative Suite programs installed in a computer as well as the corresponding installed extensions for each Creative Suite application. It provides an option to migrate extensions that are previously installed. It can also be used to sort installed extensions, enable or disable an extension, or remove an extension.
The Adobe Extension Manager CS5 program also provides information regarding a particular extension. Information about an extension appears in the Description, Advanced and Update windows of the program. The program is also capable of packaging and testing the extensions before submitting it to the Adobe Exchange website. The Extension Manager CS5 also offers a Help section wherein a guideline detailing the process for writing and testing an extension is provided.
The Extension Manager CS5 application supports different types of extension formats including ordinary extension, Creative Suite extension, Creative Suite extension signed by Adobe, Hybrid Extension, MXI and HTML file. It also supports the following Adobe Products: Dreamweaver CS5, Bridge CS5, Fireworks CS5, Illustrator CS5, InCopy CS5, Photoshop CS5, InDesign CS5, Premiere Pro CS5, Contribute CS5, and Flash CS5 releases.