Two Worlds is a fantasy action role-playing game first released in 2007. The game takes place in a fantasy world called Antaloor. The story is told in a non-linear manner and players are free to roam around the land at their will. There mini quests that players can encounter while exploring the fantasy world. The main objective of the game is to bring the protagonist’s sister back to life. There are no character classes in the game. Users are free to distribute gained points to the different attributes to improve the character. Two Worlds has seven factions. These are:
• The Society – The Society offers training for the different schools of magic. Society shops consist of spells and robes that can be bought by the player.
• The Brotherhood – The Brotherhood’s identifying color is red. They offer training for combat skills and sell various armors and weapons.
• The Giriza – The members of this society wear red hoods. They offer training in stealth arts and sell lock picks and other stealth related items.
• The Merchants Guild – This society provides general game items that can be bought by the player.
• The House Skelden and Karga Clan – These societies are the two competing factions in the northern part of the world.
• The Necromancers – This society is the only faction that is able to use the Necromancy School of Magic.
Throughout the game, players can choose to work with these factions to gain reputation and also to finish goals that will lead towards the finishing the main mission in the game.