The PuTTY Suite is a freeware terminal emulator program created and maintained by Simon Tatham. It was initially released in 1999. This emulator is a client for raw TCP, rlogin, Telnet and SSH computing protocols. It also acts as a client for serial console. The said protocols are used to perform a remote session on a computer system over a network.
Acting as a client for SSH and Telnet network protocols is the main function of this terminal emulator program. However, it also acts as an SCP client through its PSCP tool. The PSCP (PuTTY Secure Copy) tool is a command line tool. It is used to securely transfer files between different computers via an SSH network. Transferring of files can also be done using the program’s PSFTP tool (PuTTY SFTP client). However, the PSFTP tool only works on the new SFTP protocol. The new protocol is only available in SSH-2. Also, the PSFTP tool also permits interactive file transfers while the PSCP tool can only conduct single file transfer sessions.
The PuTTY terminal emulator program also offers a feature called Plink, or PuTTY link. Plink is a command-line connection tool that is commonly utilized for automated operations. This program also has a feature called Pageant, which is used for SSH authentication. It carries the user’s private keys allowing users to use those private keys without typing a passphrase. The private keys used in Pageant and other PuTTY-related tools (i.e. Plink and PSCP) can be generated using the program’s key generator called PuTTYgen. This key generator tool generates both DSA and RSA keys.