Super Tap a Jam! is a music-based computer game developed by Game House in November 2003. Players tap the arrow keys according to the arrows shown on the game while keeping in time with the beat of the music. Each arrow from the right hand side of the screen will move towards the left side where the scoring bar is located. Players must tap the corresponding arrow at the same time that the arrow reaches the scoring bar. Arrows accumulate as the game progresses and the beats per minute also increase.
Super Tap a Jam!’s graphical user interface (GUI) is an orange-green box. When the game is opened, players may choose a preferred song or level before pressing Start. GUI also shows three buttons at the bottom for Options, How-to instructions and Quit. Options tab yield a window where users may assign a particular arrow key for different tracks, change the volume of the music and sound effects, and the option to play the game in Full Screen mode.
In Super Tap a Jam!’s main game window, the current score is shown on the top middle portion while the main game area occupies the majority of the space. Arrow hits are classified according to tap accuracy—Ok, Good and Perfect. After the game is finished, the score board shows the number of hits corresponding to each classification and the number of best combos. On the left hand side, the window shows the accuracy rate and the number of misses by the player. The current score is shown below the top score.