DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy is an ISO conversion Windows utility developed by PixByte Development in April 2011. This program allows users to convert virtual CD formats or image file formats into the ISO file format. DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy supports not just ISO conversion of image files but also disc burning and disc erasing.
DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy user interface is a simple single window display. The user merely has to select the source file, define the target folder for the converted file and click on Convert. DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy supports the following image file formats: B5I, B6I, CDI, NRG, MDF, CCD, and BIN. The target file format is always ISO image file. DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy also allows users to burn an ISO image file into disc directly without need for a third party burning software. It supports disc burning of several disc media including CD, CDR, DVD, DVDR, and DVDRW, among others. This program also allows users to erase or edit a rewritable disc like a CDRW or DVDRW. The user interface is very simple; however, there is a Help function for users who may need some assistance. DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy has a minimal memory and storage footprint. Neither does it take up too much processing resources.
DVD-Ranger ISOBuddy works hand in hand with the DVD-Ranger player, which plays ISO image files.