Winx Club Fairy Makeover is a free online game based on Winx Club, an animated action fantasy television show that originated in Italy and sold to the US. The show centers on six fairies (Bloom and five of her friends). They are known as the Winx Club. Together, these fairies go on adventures. In the Winx Club Fairy Makeover game, players get the chance to create their own Winx Club fairy with the available looks. The game can be controlled using the mouse.
The fairy is displayed at the middle of the screen. The items are listed on the right part of the screen. Users can scroll through the different items and options by clicking on the arrow beside each item. Players get the change to change the fairy’s skin color, hair, clothes, makeup, shoes, gloves, and wings, as well as the background design for the wallpaper. The facial features of the fairy can be changed, too. After creating a fairy, players can send their creations to friends through email. In addition, the fairy can be downloaded to the computer and be used as a desktop wallpaper or avatar. The fairy can be downloaded in 1280 x 1024, 1024 x 768, 800 x 600, or in avatar size.