Password Renew is an application that enables users to strengthen their passwords. This application increases the security of passwords by making it more complex and less susceptible to hacking and illegal access. This application works by analyzing the strength of the user’s given password and then suggesting ways for the user to improve the password. A password’s strength is determined by its length as well as the amount of special characters included in the password script. Special characters such as numbers and symbols add to a password’s complexity and decrease the likelihood of it being hacked or guessed. Password Renew displays the password strength by means of a percentage bar. Once the application detects a weak password, it will prompt the user to select the password strengthening process such as character jumbling, adding, or changing to upper or lower case. In addition to these, Password Renew is also capable of reducing the strength of passwords. Strong passwords may be converted to simpler scripts using the application’s features.
Password Renew features a simple user interface that has four main parts. The first part is the menu tabs that allow users to browse through the applications pages: Password, Vault, and About. The second part is the drop down menu that contains a list of password scrambling methods used in strengthening or simplifying a password. Next part displays the password strength and the profile date. The last part contains a text and display bar where users may type in or copy and paste their passwords from outside sources.