Reason 5.0 is a digital audio application developed by Propellerhead Software. It is used for making and editing music. The first version of this program was released in December 2000 while the 5.0 version was released on August 25, 2010. The program can emulate a rack of hardware sequencers, synthesizers, mixers, samplers and signal processors. All of these racks can be interconnected in any way. The program can be used in two ways – (1) as a comprehensive virtual music studio or (2) as a set of virtual musical instruments used with other sequencing programs that imitate live performance.
This music production program is capable of sampling audio directly with any sample-playing instruments like the NN-19, Redrum, or Kong Drum Designer. The Kong Drum Designer is a new addition to Reason 5.0 version. It’s a 16-pad device used for creating percussion/drum sounds. The application also features the Dr. Octo Rex, which is capable of playing up to eight sample loops. A pattern editing utility called Blocks used for song mixing and arrangement is featured in this version as well.
Reason version 5.0 offers different virtual devices. The basic devices included here are the Line Mixer 6:2, Mixer 14:2 and Hardware Interface. There are also synthesizers included in Reason such as Subtractor Analogue Synthesizer, Thor Polysonic Synthesizer, and Malström Graintable Synthesizer. Other devices present in this music production application are samplers, rhythm sequencers, mastering, effects and other effects.