HostsXpert is an editing program for Windows Hosts files. Hosts files are present in an operating system in order to chart hostnames with their respective IP addresses. These files are also capable of blocking some programs in the computer from connecting to the Internet. With this small application, users can manage and edit Hosts files. HostsXpert doesn’t need to be installed in a computer in order for it to work. Users can keep a copy of the program in a USB file for easy access when needed. The interface of the application contains all the tools for file management. It is divided into two parts – options for Hosts files, and the window displaying all the files.
One of the features of this program is its backup and restore system. This is useful in case there are unwanted results after making some changes in the system. In addition, users can append, replace, merge, and restore backup files.
Other notable features of HostsXpert are the following:
Sorting of hosts in alphanumeric order
Swapping of localhost
Removal of block items
Make hosts read-only
Whitelist feature (remove, add, and save whitelist domains)
The program runs on minimal system resources and does not clog up the computer.