WinMX was a file sharing application initially released in 2000. The WinMX network allows users to share audio and video files. With the right configurations, other files can be shared over the network, too. However, there are file size restrictions and only files that are less than 2 Gb can be shared. Searching for files can be done under the ‘Search’ tab on the main interface of the application. The results are displayed on the upper portion of the window (quality, name, file type, size, speed, and bitrate). Searching for files can be done by genre, artist, album, or by typing the name of a file. Clicking on the ‘Download’ button adds the file to the download queue, which is located at the bottom part of the window.
WinMX also has a built-in chat function. These chatrooms have different functions. Some chatrooms are dedicates solely for chatting, while others are used for trading of files. The private message function allows a user to send a message to another user, too.
Other features of the WinMX program are the following:
• Simple and easy to use interface
• Download files free of charge
• Bandwitdth monitoring
WinMX was shut down on September 2005.