Partners FX HyperSpeed

Simplex Technology, Inc. (Shareware)

Partners FX HyperSpeed is a trading software developed by Partners FX. This program is highly useful for online trading and monitoring. Partners FX HyperSpeed features an AS Order Streaming window which enables users to track trading transactions. This program also enables users to utilize up to 57 technical indicators to approximate a trend line and perform technical analyses. By analyzing the market trends of a specific indicator, users may be more informed when placing an order.

Partners FX HyperSpeed features six ordering ways—AS Order Streaming, Streaming order, Single reeve order, order OCO, and order IF-OCO. Users may perform Sell and Buy functions without going to the Order screen just by selecting an open interest and clicking which command applies. Partners FX HyperSpeed also enables users to view their account status including margin information, balances, and trade surplus. This program also automatically sends a Notice of Execution for every successful transaction. The Notice is sent to the email address attached to the account of the user. This program also offers some customization features as to skin color themes. Users may also create a Favorites list to save the user’s favorite currency pairs. Users may also save the current trading status by performing a screen capture or clicking the screenshot feature. Trading output data may also be exported into a CSV data chart which can be readily accessible using MS Excel.