Iso2God is a program that automatically converts Xbox 360 ISO images straight to Games on Demand containers (GOD) so it can work on the user’s Xbox 360 SDK. ISOs can be extracted and ran in USBs through replacement dashboards. With the function available only through the Xbox 360 SDK, this can now be performed by using the program. Aside from the main conversion of ISO to Games on Demand, the program has support for XSF and GDF/XDVDFS ISOs. The application automatically reads the title information from the ISO default.xex and can queue up a multiple set of conversions up to 12G.
The program can be extracted from a compressed file. Clicking on the ISO disk image opens it. To do this click on “add ISO”. This is followed by browsing and locating, and finally adding the ISO (25 minutes or longer depending on the game’s size). Clicking on the folder in WINRAR containing the converted data will copy them to the RGH or JTAG. It can also be copied and pasted to a portable HDD or USB device. Copying to the USB needs a game folder named Xbox360 GOD where the games should be saved whose file path on FSD is easy to locate. The USB is then plugged to the Xbox and booting is done from FSD.