Komodo is a web development tool by ActiveState first released in November 2007. It is available in two editions – Komodo Edit and Komodo IDE. Komodo Edit is a free version while Komodo IDE is the paid edition.
Komodo Edit is an open source text editor used for dynamic programming languages (i.e. JavaScript, Perl, Phython, PHP, and more). This edition features Code Profiling for PHP and Python programs, which enables users to code profile a program to check the locations of hotspots. Komodo Edit also offers a Code Browser that displays either the file’s outline or all the files. Other features present in Komodo Edit include Debugger, Komodo Color Schemes, Updated Stackato Integrated, Preference Searching, Document Toolbar, Code Completion Widget, and more.
Komodo IDE is a paid edition. Unlike Komodo Editor, this edition is a complete IDE used for dynamic languages. It provides tools for debugging, testing, and editing applications. This edition also offers a Multilanguage editor. It also offers Automocomplete and Call Tips functions for writing the codes. It also provides basic editing features including code commenting, syntax coloring, syntax checking, Vi emulation, and more.
Here are some of the features not available in Komodo Edit:
• Source Code Control Integration
• Komodo Synchronizatoin
• Database Explorer (Oracle, MySQL, and more)
• Publishing, HTTP Inspector, Interactive Shells
• PDK Integration