iriver plus 4 is the companion software for the iriver portable media player line of products. It enables users to sort and transfer music from a local path in the system to the media player. Users may also sort and transfer video files, image files, and text files to the portable player.
iriver plus 4 features media management that enables users to search and find all media files in the computer and add the same to the iriver media library. Users may also add album art and ID3 tags to the music files in the media library. The program also enables users to manage the memory of the portable player through adding and deleting of files. It supports playback of several music file formats including MP3, WMA, OGG, and FLAC through the integrated music player. It also supports basic player functions including shuffle, loop, and auto-detect equalization for several song genres including R&B, Classical, and Rock. This program also automatically recognizes whether the portable player has video capability, and if it has, the program will enable video transfers. Video playback supports MPEG4, AVI, and WMV file formats, among others. This program also supports image viewing for GIF, JPEG, and BMP formats. It also features ebook viewing of TXT files.