DriverMax is an application that finds and downloads the latest drivers needed for a computer. The program’s window shows four areas – Driver Operations, Updates, Identification, and Popular Hardware. Information and more choices appear when the user mouses over each component. Aside from looking for the latest driver updates, DriverMax is also able to identify unknown applications and provide the correct hardware options. DriverMax can save time by eliminating the need for manually searching for the correct drivers for the hardware and software on the computer.
The program also functions as a backup tool. Users can back-up all their drivers and save them as a compressed file. Once the drivers are saved, the user can format the computer and use the back-up file to reinstall all the drivers that are needed for the system. This can make the computer run faster since all the obsolete drivers are removed from the system. Re-installing all the drivers after reformatting a computer takes only about 10 to 15 minutes. The program ensures that all the needed drivers are installed and working on the system.
Other features of the program include the following:
Easy importing and exporting of drivers
Results show outdated and updated drivers
System restore support before updating drivers