BitTorrent Turbo Accelerator is a plug in for BitTorrent which allows users to download movies, songs, and other media file types at high speed. The software works by managing the bandwidth of the internet connection, allotting more resources for the download and consequently making it faster. It has the capability to pause the download in case it is interrupted by a system crash, loss of internet connection, or loss of computer power. The download automatically restarts when the computer resumes normal processing and internet connection. In case some downloaded files are not being used, the software automatically deletes them which leads to more hard disk space.
BitTorrent Turbo Accelerator’s user interface has three (3) main areas: Acceleration Settings, Statistics, and General. The Acceleration settings section shows the status of the software and allows the user to configure acceleration settings. Any configuration set by the user is saved and is used as the default when the user opens the application again. Users can also define the check period and can choose to accelerate selected downloads over others. The Statistics section displays some relevant information including Type of internet connection (e.g., LAN Proxy), Status, Duration, Bytes Sent, Bytes Received, and DurationAcc. The General section on the upper right shows three buttons for Run BitTorrent, Minimize, and Quit.