Corel R.A.V.E. or Real Animated Vector Effects, is an application for vector animation and animated graphics creation. Through this program, simple objects may be created and animated. Animations are built when objects are sequenced and keyframes are inserted on a timeline.
Animations are commonly used in object tweening, object tweening through a path, vector effects creation, movie creation, blends animation, movie background modification, and designating object life-span. The program’s interface is streamlined with the user work area represented by a white area on the middle. A Movie menu includes functions such as delete keyframes, insert keyframes, animation playback control, Timeline Docker window display, animation sequence creation via a blend, and animation path attachment. Layout and drawing tools include perfect polygons, geometric shapes, contoured edges, gradient transparencies, and soft-drop shadows, to name a few. Audio controls enable sound addition to animations. WAV audio files may be imported, edited, and exported to compressed WAV files through Macromedia Flash exporting functions. Two objects may create blends and animated sequences may be generated with a Move>Create Sequence function. For example, a star may transform into another shape while maintaining its stage position. Internet animated interfaces may also be created using rollovers that respond to mouse activity and may be exported via Web pages.