Return to Mysterious Island is an adventure video game that was first released in 2004. The game revolves around the adventures of Mina, a girl who is on a voyage around the world. While travelling, she gets caught in a storm and gets stuck in a deserted island. The player assumes the role of Mina as she explores the mysterious island. As the player progresses through the game, different items are uncovered in the island. Some of these are artifacts, different kinds of technology, and also living quarters.
The player needs to collect different resources and items like food, knives, wood, keys, telescopes, etc. Some of the collectible items can be combined together to form items that are useful for the game. After a while, Mina becomes conscious of a figure who seems to know about her predicament. She soon finds out that the figure is the spirit of Captain Nemo. The spirit is unsettled as his body is hidden somewhere on the island. Mina’s goal is to find the location of the body and have a proper burial for him in order to settle his spirit. Players who get stuck in the game can make use of the hint system to solve the mystery.