
Option^Explicit Software Solutions (Freeware)

WinsockFix is an application that is used as a solution in cases of corrupted Internet connectivity due to removed or invalid registry entries. Lost connections can be remedied when firewall applications which were uninstalled incorrectly, tools and programs that modify Winsock and XP network settings, and adware components are removed. If connection problems persist after cleaning one’s registry, one can also utilize the program. System backup is recommended prior to using the program.

When some applications are removed there is sometimes a loss in Internet connection because of modifications in the system such as invalid and missing registry entries because of the applications’ removal. WinsockFix can be used instead of reinstalling one’s operating system. Current system settings can also be backed-up by the program into one’s registry using the program’s ReG-Backup button. When problems crop up, the program detects and tries to repair them. It first detects the operating system one is currently running on. It then releases the user’s IP address to get the user “offline.” After that, the TCP is then reset via Netsh.exe (can be done in Windows XP). The program’s values and registry TCP being used are then removed.  New values for the registry are imported, and the currently used Hosts file is backed up, and replaced with a basic one. Rebooting the computer is the last step in the program’s operation.