ABViewer 9

Soft Gold (Shareware)

ABViewer is an engineering and design document management program. The program works with vector and raster formats and supports formats such as GIF, BMP, 3DS, STEP/STP, SVG, HGL, HPGL, DXF, Autocad DWG, DWF, PLT, CGM, IGES/IGS, STL, TIFF, and JPG. Supported formats may be converted into JPEG, BMP, GIF, and EMF.

Program interface is streamlined and program tools for image modification can be accessed through it. Modifications that users can make include black background incorporation, white-and-black mode display switching, layers management, picture content viewing. Program tools include hiding image text and measurements, calculating areas, polyline lengths, and distances. Images may be added to text areas, and pictures may be drawn over. Image details are provided such as colors and layer numbering. Large images can be printed using the program. A single picture can be printed as “tiles” into several papers. Standard formats’ predefined sizes are included such as A0, A1, A2, A3, and A4. A Clip rectangle function allows conversion of selected drawing parts only. Measurement scale factors such as perimeters, areas, and lengths may be set. A Thumbnails subprogram enables files to be viewed as a catalogue even before such files are opened.  Batch conversion and printing are also made available. Line segment quantities may be specified when drawing arcs, circles, splines, and ellipses. A number of isometric views and orthogonal projections are also provided.