Universal AntiCheat is a program that is designed to do random scanning of the computer with the objective of checking if there are stored cheats that players used to take advantage of other players on an online game. This client side cheat detecting system takes screenshots and scan info that are freely accessible to anyone with a UAC account. The screenshots contains information related to the screen, as well as the user such as the time, version, and user ID. Scan info, on the other hand, contains information related to the computer setup such as Central Processing Unit (CPU), Random Access Memory (RAM), and others.
To use Universal AntiCheat, players need to register for an account, free of charge. On the main interface, there are three options including Play, Review, and Edit. If the Play button is selected, a window pops up and requires the MatchID and Game. Players who are supposed to use UAC for the purpose of having a fair game need to enter the same MatchID and Game. Once these are entered, the player can click on “Start Scanning.” This does not automatically start the scan process but the software waits for the game to start before it runs the scan. If the software detects someone using cheats, the players receive a message, “Warning: Cheater Detected.”