Nestopia is an open source Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. Open source means that source codes for the application is readily available for download from a website. Any developer who wishes to make a modification on it can do so without any legal restrictions. An emulator is a device which copies how another device works. Nintendo Entertainment System is a video game console initially launched in Japan in 1983 and has since been used on all regions of the world.
As an emulator, Nestopia requires a minimum of 600MHz for itto run at full speed. Once the application file has been downloaded and saved on the computer, the next step will be to assign buttons on the keyboard or gamepad. This can be done by selecting the Options menu and then Input. This will open another window four(4) columns labelled Type, Key, Mapping and Joysticks. There are predefined buttons for each of the NES functions so the user can opt to click on “Set All” to accept all the default settings. For easy access, users can opt to put their games on the same folder as the NES application. In this case, the game can be accessed by selecting the Open function on the File menu.