Crayon Physics Deluxe is a puzzle game that was first released in 2009. The player must make a ball touch all the stars that are scattered on the game screen. There are different objects on the game screen that will help the player achieve this. Since this is a physics game, there are several factors that must be considered. Some of which are the kinetic energy of objects, gravity, the mass of the objects and the ball, and the momentum.
Players are not capable of controlling the ball. Instead, a pen is used for drawing different objects that will allow the ball to follow a path and touch all the stars. The challenge is to come up with the best solution to beat the puzzle. There are several possible solutions to the puzzle and there is no correct way to solve them. The game features over 70 levels of play and the levels get more difficult as the player progresses.
Crayon Physics Deluxe also comes with a level editor. The level editor allows users to create their own puzzles. Created puzzles can be shared online with other players. Additionally, users can download and try to solve puzzles created by other users.