Echofon (Freeware)

Echofon is an application that allows users to synchronize their Twitter and Facebook accounts across all mobile devices, such as iPads, iPhones, personal digital assistants (PDA), personal computers, and others. Twitter and Facebook are social networking sites where people are able to share messages, ideas, photos, and videos among other things. It is a communication vehicle that can be utilized to share personal information like profiles, to lobby an idea, and to market a product or business.

For Echofon for Twitter, the application can manage multiple accounts and there are background notifications in case there are direct messages and mentions on the user’s name. It has all the functionality of the web version of Twitter, and allows reading of conversations in a thread allowing users to keep track of the conversations with friends. The devices are made fully synchronized such that users do not read the same set of messages or mentions more than once. For Echofon for Facebook, the same functionalities that are available on web are available on the application in a simple and streamlined way. Users can also chat with their online friends, browse feeds and timelines of their friends, comment and like their friends’ posts and upload photos and videos directly from their mobile devices.