TorrentB is a torrent client software developed by TorrentB and released on March 2011. This program enables users to download files from a torrent server. This program also enables users to create torrent files that may be available for download. It also enables users to seed torrent files in torrent servers. This program comes with resume support. It allows users to resume torrent download even when the download process has been paused or stopped accidentally. This program also features a bandwidth limitation function. It enables users to configure the bandwidth allocation for the program. Users may also configure the bandwidth allocated for downloading torrents, as well as in uploading torrents. It can also be used to browse torrent servers for torrent files. Users may also track their download status and speed using this program.
The TorrentB graphical user interface is loosely-based on the Windows interface. The ribbon toolbar features the Contents, Home Page, About, Language, and Search. The left panel shows the current Session status, as well as the Torrents. Torrents are segregated according to their status—Active, Inactive, Completed, and Downloading. This panel also enables users to access the Downloads folder. The main window shows the torrents selected from the Left panel corresponding to the specific status. The bottom window shows detailed information on a particular torrent file including the specific files included therein, Torrent Speed, Session info, and Advanced View.