Freephoneline is a Voice-over-Internet-Protocol software developed by and released on June 2011. This program enables users to have a home phone replacement that is media-based and supported by Canada’s media companies. This program lets users make and receive calls using the Desktop Soft Phone. The user also receives a brand new telephone line and number in replacement. The user will be able to make local outbound calls, as well as receive local inbound calls.
Freephoneline also features a full voicemail service support, which enables users to forward received voice messages to a designated email address. Users may also check the saved voice messages using a different phone. This program also features Caller ID support with phone number display. It allows users to forward voice calls to a designated phone number using the Follow Me Service. Users may choose to forward all the calls or forward unanswered calls only.
Freephoneline features free long distance calling to selected cities in Canada. These cities include Winnipeg, Edmonton, Vancouver, Halifax, and Calgary. This program features high speed Internet service. Users also have an option to activate their home phones through analog telephone routers or adaptors. These telephone adaptors enable users to convert their analog voice calls into digital packets. This functionality makes voice traffic possible even over the system’s DSL connection.