Aeon V-Bar

SoundSpectrum, Inc. (Shareware)

Sound files come in a variety of formats. Listeners can enhance their audio-listening experience when using their computer systems by applying visualizations. Visualizations are the graphic accompaniments that can be applied to digital sound files. They are moving images that are generated by the sound file's tempo and groove. SoundSpectrum, Inc. has released a type of software that allows people to apply visualizations to different sound input files. To allow users to use such a program while working on other applications, they released the program known as Aeon V-Bar.

The Aeon V-Bar is a program that creates a floating window on the desktop. It situates itself on one part of the screen. Whenever the computer starts an audio file, the window will automatically react by generating visualizations that respond to the sound's movement. The user can configure the program to react to various audio input files. He also has the option of setting it up in such a way that makes it react from what is called a signal generator. The window of the Aeon V-Bar program can be moved and resized to the user's liking. It can also be split into a number of tiles which will work independently but in synchronization.