RiverPast Animated GIF Converter is an image converter developed and distributed by River Past Corporation. The main function of this software is to convert both image and video files to GIF output.
RiverPast Animated GIF Converter’s key feature is its versatility in converting video and image files into GIF files. It also features an intuitive Graphical User Interface or GUI. The application would also allow conversion from an un-encrypted DVD or from individual chapters as one unit. The software can also add animated GIF output to other RiverPast Video products. Users would be able to control the frame rate and adjust the resolution and quality of the output GIF. With this application, users would be able to apply animated GIF for video thumbnails on websites without requiring a plug-in. The application itself is supported by most Internet browsers available in the Internet. Another feature would be the options to loop the animation as well as to convert multiple video or image files like MOV, 3G, DivX, DV, ASF, AVI, MP4, and many other files all at the same time provided the output settings for each are the same.
RiverPast Animated GIF Converter is no longer available for download. Its latest version, the RiverPast GIF Booster Pack, includes the same features its predecessor offers and a lot more.