The Melloware PlacesBar Editor is a Windows utility for customizing the standard Windows dialogs such as Open and Save. It can help users to organize the folders they frequently used by adding them to the left-side panel or the Places bar. This enables users to quickly access these folders in a just single click.
Manually editing the registry can cause unexpected errors or issues. It has a simple and convenient user interface where users can edit the registry. They no longer need to go into the registry tree to customize dialogs and other Windows UI components.
The application user interface has three main menus (Commands, Help, and Contact Us) and two main tabs (Windows and Office). The Commands menu contains some of the basic operations such as Save, Defaults, Test, and Exit. The Help menu contains options that can help users to do their tasks in the program. The menu contains About, Forums and Donate options. The Contact Us menu contains options on how a user can contact the developers. Users can contact the developers either by visiting the developer’s website or by sending them an e-mail. The Windows and Office tab enables users to customize five to ten buttons in the Places bar. They can choose from system and user folders.