Desperate Housewives is a simulation game that is based on the television series with the same title. The game was released in 2006. The player assumes the role of a character with amnesia that has just moved to Wisteria Lane – the same neighborhood where the housewives live in the television series. Players are free to choose the looks and personality of their character. The house can also be designed by the player. The game is not based on the story of the series. A new story was developed by one of the writers for the series. The game also features the voice of Brenda Strong who narrates the television series.
The game has 12 episodes and players can do activities, such as shop for clothes, go to the mall, and play poker with the housewives. As the game progresses, more secrets are revealed about each of the housewives and the player’s past. The game also features mini games aside from the main simulation game.
Other features of the Desperate Housewives game include the following:
• new players can go through the tutorial before playing the game
• users can play Texas Hold’em Poker and win game money
• variety of game activities to do