WinStyles for ObjectDesktop, Inc (Proprietary)

WinStyles is a desktop extension application that allows Object Desktop users to create a customized desktop using various components in the Object Desktop program, such as DesktopX, IconPackager, and WindowBlinds. This application works by reading theme files and sending a message to Object Desktop to apply a particular theme. While this utility works in conjunction with Object Desktop, it can also stand alone and get linked to other programs for desktop customization.

This application lets users treat their desktop as a blank canvas. When working with Object Desktop, it gets access to icon and theme files in Stardock’s lineup of programs. These files include the skins in WinAmp, themes in ObjectBar, visual styles in WindowBlinds, items in CursorXP, and themes in DesktopX. The components from the different programs are customized in such a way that, when grouped together, they would comprise a singular theme. This allows users and IT professionals to design desktops according to a company brand or preference.

WinStyles themes come in Suite and XPTheme formats. A .suite file contains links to its required files while a .xptheme already contains the components it needs, such as icons and skins. When a .suite file is used, the application will connect to the Internet to find and download the files needed, and then turn the file into an .xptheme, which can then be applied to a desktop.