ProfiCAD 7.5.5 (Freeware)

ProfiCAD is a Computer-Aided Design or CAD program developed to allow users to create electrical diagrams. Specifically, the program is meant for diagrams that portray control circuits, electronic schematics, and technical diagrams such as those used for pneumatic hydraulic systems.

Electrical circuit diagrams and similar plans can be created quickly and efficiently. For example, such a diagram only requires the user to insert electrical symbols and define where the wires in a schematic would go. The program has more than a thousand symbols into its database, which can be used as soon as the app is installed. Users may also create their own custom symbols with the symbol editor feature. It also supports the numbering of symbols automatically, as well as easy netlist generation, wire listing, materials listing, and other features.

The infrastructure of the program, along with the advanced optimization it underwent, allows for the use of its wide range of comprehensive options and features without using large amounts of resources. This makes it a practical program that can run optimally for those with older computer systems. The interface is also modeled after the popular Windows Explorer tool, which gives the program ease of use among novices and professionals alike.