Quest SQL Optimizer is a performance management solution for SQL or Standard Query Language code. SQL is a specialized programming language for data management. Said optimizer seeks out any potential concerns surrounding SQL-based code and optimizes project performance through the analysis of statements made via SQL and other programming code sources. Optimization of SQL indexes and analysis of plan changes are also integrated into the program.
It optimizes SQL and said indexes by evaluating statements and application workloads with Artificial Intelligence that rewrites the former and identifies the appropriate performance enhancing changes for the latter. SQL code can also be batch-optimized with faster rewrites, and scans problematic statements with automatic source code extraction. These statements can then be rewritten and optimized with Batch Optimize or Optimize functions.
The viewing and management of current SQL statements may also be accomplished for more stable projects. The Inspect SGA feature allows the capture, viewing, and analysis of these statements via Oracle’s SGA or System Global Area. The Analyze Impact feature sees what database modifications may have done to the set code by determining plan changes. The Manage Plans feature allows the viewing and manipulation of optimization hints for the maintenance of statement executions, while an integrated plan management system allows plan fine-tuning without amendments to the source programming code.