The Command Line interface allows the printing of customized user-created IDs, barcodes, RFID tags, and similar media using a Windows or Internet-based application. The user has to design and ID with ID Flow or label with Label Flow, after which the command utility can be accessed from the application used for printing. This printing is done anonymously so users do not know that the cards and labels are captured and printed. These labels and cards will also print without user interaction. Command Line also allows easy interfacing with Web applications, with the data and options involved passed via XML. It will then parse said data and print media with the information received and options specified. XML data taken from Windows apps are also accepted for printing.
After the ID or label is designed with the said programs, the Command Line interface can be displayed with the necessary parameters by adding code to the application. Afterwards, labels or cards can be printed directly from the application used. This program may also be used by novice computer users, and desktop shortcuts to the interface may be created. When the user starts up the operating system, the shortcut may be clicked upon to print cards and labels.