Supreme Ruler: Cold War is a combat-based strategy game developed by BattleGoat Studios, and released in July of 2011. Set during the onset of the Korean War in the 1950s, this game gives the player a glimpse of the tension of the Cold War. The goal of this game is total world domination by way of political influence. This means that the player has gather as many political allies as possible in order to conquer the world. This can be accomplished by focusing on various aspects such as war, diplomacy, technological advancement, and economics among others.
The player can choose to be the leader of either the United States or the Soviet Union. To manage the huge number of general policies, the player can delegate them among several AI ministers. In the sandbox mode, the player can choose any Post World War II nation to control. Apart from single player mode, Supreme Ruler: Cold War allows up to 16 players to battle it out in multiplayer mode. With the right combination of military strategies, diplomatic techniques, and economic decisions, players can successfully come out of this dangerous era with their respective nations still intact. The game also features enhanced sound and graphics, which includes 3D terrain.