Mz Services Manager was created to assist users in properly handling and maintaining Windows services. This program offers a straightforward, easy-to-use interface that allows users to perform basic utility operations. The tool also enables users to create Windows service profiles according to their preferences. The service profiles created can be applied immediately without the need for a computer restart. Users can quickly load or disable any of the Windows service profiles.
This utility’s standard feature involves showing all processes, such as the service name, start-up type and path, as well as the status. A dedicated panel on the left lets the user start or stop a service. For example, the Windows Firewall, Windows Defender, and IPv6 protocol may be disabled altogether or separately. There is also an option to stop the file-sharing service and turn off an autoplay window. The start-up type can be modified by configuring its settings to automatic, manual, delayed, or disabled. An outstanding feature of the profile manager is its ability to permit users to instantly load a pre-set configuration. As an alternative, users can save existing settings to the hard disk.
Mz Services Manager also lets users activate the automatic tune-up function to improve and enhance the computer’s performance.