PDFlite is an application that allows users to print and view PDF documents. It has a simple and minimalistic interface that novice computer users will be able to use. The program is also capable of converting JPG image files and doc files to PDF. The program has basic features for viewing a PDF document including printing, zooming, and searching. Menus for the application are located at the top portion of the main window. Menus include File, View, Go To, Zoom, Settings, and Help. Underneath the menu bar are command buttons including the page number the document is currently showing and the total number of pages the PDF document has. It also has buttons for zooming in and out of the document, as well as a search field for finding words or phrases within the document.
Other features of the PDFlite program are the following:
• completely free
• simple and easy to use even for beginners
• has advanced options for advanced computer users
PDFlite also has advanced printer options. Users can change the paper size, graphic quality of the PDF document, and other document options. On the document properties window, users can also change the orientation of the page, page format, as well as the paper quality for the file to be printed out.