Lotus Word Pro

Lotus Development Corporation (Freeware)

Lotus Word Pro functions as a word processor software. It is integrated into the Lotus SmartSuite office suite. The IBM-developed application provides several tools that facilitate creating and working with documents. Like others of its kind, Lotus Word Pro enables the user to compose, edit, format, and print any kind of document.

The Word Pro desktop consists in context-sensitive menus. This means that commands change as the user works on different types of documents. For instance, if the “Create” command is used to make a table, the menu bar shows a Table menu for working with tables. A “Modeless Bar” is available for doing tasks like inserting index entries, checking the spelling, or merging a document. The bar consists of the same components that make up a dialog box: text boxes, command buttons, and text boxes.

Several other features make the program an efficient word processor. Moving text can be done more directly than cutting and pasting. Word Pro provides a special hand “icon” for performing this. There is a SmartFill module that allows for speeding up data entry in documents and tables. It automatically fills in routine information like times, dates, or sequential numbers. The Fast Format function quickly duplicates a format as the user selects text with the format he wants to use.

IBM has ceased marketing and support of SmartSuite. It has also announced that it will no longer make a replacement for the office suite.