Milky Bear: Fish Patrol is a computer arcade game developed by the company, Aliasworlds Entertainment. In this game, the player assumes the role of Milky Bear, who has caught so many fish that a jealous gang of cat thieves want to steal his loot. The player gets to control a hand-shaped cursor that is used to ward off approaching cats. When the player clicks on a cat, the hand cursor makes a slapping motion that knocks out the cat. As the game progresses, the cats get smarter and more aggressive so the player must be more watchful and agile in catching them.
Players can also collect bonus tools that will make it easier for them to knock out the sneaky cats. This can be accomplished by tossing certain objects in the game. These tools include a rubber hammer, air pump, and a bunch of other items that can be used to knock out the cats. Milky Bear: Fish Patrol has 80 levels that provides players with lots of challenges. The player can set the difficulty level of the game and interact with other animal characters in the story. Milky Bear’s catching skills can be enhanced by collecting over a dozen power-ups within the game.