FusionPDFExtractor, also called Fusion PDF Image Extractor, is an application used for extracting images from a PDF document. Furthermore, it can be used to convert the PDF document to a JPG image file. The program is easy to use and can be managed by novice computer users. The program’s main window is divided into three sections, which also serve as the steps in extracting images. To use the application, users just need to follow these steps:
1. First, users must select the PDF document. This can be done by clicking on the “Browse for PDF” button on the main screen. The Windows Explorer will appear and users can choose the file from there.
2. The second step is to choose the output file located for the extracted images. Users can select a folder on the hard drive or place the output images on the desktop for easy access.
3. The third step is to click the “Extract Images” button at the bottom of the main window to start the process of extraction.
Other than the three steps, users can also enable or disable two options that are found at the bottom part of the main window. These are viewing the output files after the extraction and using ghostscript for converting an entire PDF document to JPG.