Hex Workshop is a hexadecimal development tool. It consists of binary editing tools and data interpretation utilities for Microsoft Windows. The application allows users to make changes to binary data (cut, paste, copy, delete, insert, etc.). The program features a Sector Editor that is made up of several disk imaging tools. Users can also convert between hex types. The built-in Hex Calculator is capable of performing several operations.
Hex Workshop offers a wide array of tools for color mapping data sequences and interpreting data with graphs. It supports importing and exporting data, too. Users can fully customize the look of the main editor window. There are several options to choose from including backgrounds and colors. The data displayed on the window can also be shown or hidden, depending on the user’s preferences. The windows can be docked in order to have more room for editing. There are four tools offered for data interpretation – structure viewer, smart bookmarks, color maps, and data visualizer.
Other features of the Hex Workshop application include the following:
• Integrated binary comparison
• Rich feature set
• Data inspector
• Export to RTF or HTML
• Drag and drop feature
The program is fully integrated into the Windows system. This enables users to edit hexes from frequently used applications.