Microsoft(R) Monster Truck Madness(TM) 2 is a racing game developed by Microsoft Corporation. The game involves 11 types of Monster trucks that roll, tumble, crush, splatter, and jump, on the muddy terrain. These trucks include the Stinger, the Executioner, the Snake Bite, BigFoot, GraveDigger and the Firestone Wilderness. The game is available in single player mode or campaign mode. It is likewise offered for multiplayer gameplay in LAN mode or using a modem. The game also adds another bit of realism for the multiplayer mode using the monster truck’s CB radio. Players competing against each other can send instant messages to taunt or comment on the game.
Microsoft(R) Monster Truck Madness(TM) 2 races also offers two types of races according to the time of day. The nighttime racing mode adds another level of difficulty for the racers. The trucks navigate the off-road tracks using their headlights only. Players may also opt to turn off the headlights and hide in the darkness to surprise the other players.
Microsoft(R) Monster Truck Madness(TM) 2 also features audio quips by the commentator, Army Armstrong. His quips include Yee-Haa!; Hey buddy, ready to get muddy?; Demolition derby time!, and Losers!, among several others. The game also features different race tracks including the Farm Road 29. The game also features different tournaments including the Tundra Madness Tournament.