Adventures of Robinson Crusoe is a hidden object game based on the novel of the same title that was written by Daniel Defoe. In the story, Robinson Crusoe is shipwrecked and must learn how to survive on an island. Robinson Crusoe spends 28 years on the island exploring, warding off cannibals, and trying to find his way back home. In this game, players must help Robinson Crusoe in his exploration and his efforts to survive, and eventually construct a boat so he can sail back to England.
This game has six chapters and in each chapter, players have to complete six stages before moving on to the next. Players can choose between Survivor and Relaxed mode. In Survivor, players are given an hour with which to complete a chapter and find all hidden objects in it. Players are also provided with five hints. In Relaxes, players can take their time with the puzzles. Players are given a list of hidden objects within a scene that must be clicked when found. The found items will be crossed off the list. Hidden items written in blue mean that players must perform other actions before these items can be collected. Some may require the use of the items in the inventory before collection.
As players progress through Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, they will be able to build a boat. The boat can be updated after every stage. The game is completed when Robinson Crusoe is able to sail the boat back to his homeland.