Gold Sprinter

Aliasworlds Entertainment (Proprietary)

Gold Sprinter is an arcade game developed by Aliasworlds Entertainment and released on December 2003. The game is a revival of the classic LodeRunner game. The gameplay is simple. The player controls the sprinter to climb up and go down ladders, run right and left, and around the level, grabbing every gold nugget in sight. However, enemies are scattered around the level, walking past and crossing the sprinter’s path. The goal is to get all gold without running across any enemy as this ends the current game. The player can create traps for the enemy characters to fall into by digging holes in the ground. Once all gold nuggets are collected, a portal will appear. The Gold Sprinter has to get to the portal to get to the next level of the game.

Gold Sprinter includes up to 100 levels. Each level features an interactive game environment. Aside from gold nuggets, the game offers bonuses and power-ups that players may use to collect more gold or run faster across the level. The game also comes with a Special Kids Mode to give more access to children.  
Gold Sprinter graphical user interface features the game environment occupying the whole window. The Level number and Lives are shown at the bottom, left and right, respectively. The Current scores are shown at the bottom center part of the interface.