gDoc Fusion

Global Graphics Software Ltd. (Bundled)

gDoc Fusion is a program that enables users to combine several files of different formats into one file. This program supports more than two hundred file format types including images and has a drag and drop feature for faster and easier document creation without having to open other applications. Users can also drag and drop open pages from word processing, presentation, and spreadsheet applications and save these into a single file in Document View. Users can view and edit the pages first before saving into DOC, PDF, or XPS format.

Aside from Document View, gDoc Fusion has other different viewing modes, such as Page View, Assembly View, and Flick View. Page view allows users to add bookmarks and sticky notes to pages. In Assembly View, the application displays documents of different formats in a single view page so users can collate and convert these easily. This is also where users can organize documents into chapters. Flick View enables users to search through pages visually, like flipping through a book for a particular section or drawing.

The program interface of gDoc Fusion is simple, compact, and easy to use. Users can add files to be merged or collated using the drag and drop method. The program also comes with gDoc Creator, a tool used to create PDF files from other documents.