Scooby-Doo: The Stone Dragon is a video game for children aged 5-10. It is based on the animated series Scooby Doo, which is about a Great Dane named Scooby Doo and his human companions. Their group goes on journeys to solve mysteries. In this game, players are tasked to help Scooby Doo and his gang solve a mystery in China.
This game, also called Scooby-Doo! Case File #2: The Scary Stone Dragon, takes players to the Asian country in celebration of Chinese New Year. The gang soon learns about a dragon made of stone that comes alive and scares tourists. Players have to help the gang get clues behind this and stop the Stone Dragon from creating more havoc.
Scooby-Doo: The Stone Dragon comes with six educational activity games and two minigames. There are five possible villains in the story, which means that there are also five different avenues to explore. Players can choose from three difficulty levels depending on their skills. The easiest level is called Spooky; the intermediate level is Spookier; and the most challenging level is called Spooktacular. The game also features printable activities that children can do away from the computer. This game not only challenges but also develops players’ problem solving, logic, critical thinking, and deductive reasoning skills. In addition to puzzles, the game also teaches children about Chinese customs.