The computer program called 13 Kerajaan - Divine Kids is a strategy game that is 100% original Indonesian. This game is one of the components of an award-winning game set from this Southeast Asian country. The Divine Kids computer game package is recognized by the Indonesian Record Museum as the First Game that has been produced by Indonesian programmers. This program package is the brainchild of David Setiabudi with digital music from the talented Rama Aurora.
Divine Kids features a total of 38 games. 13 Kerajaan - Divine Kids is a strategy game, which can be played in a single computer by one or many players. The translation of 13 Kerajaan in English is “Thirteen Kingdoms.” As many as 13 players can join in. There are many similarities with “Age of Empire,” an internationally popular strategy game. This game, like other games from Divine Kids may be downloaded for free from the Internet.
13 Kerajaan – Divine Kids is available in the official Indonesian tongue. The game play is simple and fun. Essentially, it is all about the challenges of uniting 13 Indonesian kingdoms. This game has an interesting game play which will appeal to players who enjoy playing king and ruler. The gamer needs to overcome challenges involved in promoting peace and harmony amongst 13 different kingdoms.