Making History II is a turn-based strategy game developed and published by the company, Muzzy Lane. It is the sequel to the previous installment entitled The Calm & The Storm and allows players to choose a nation and control all of its elements – colonies, military forces, cities, and provinces during the onset of World War II. Various aspects of the nation are managed by the player in order to dominate the other world forces. The player must engage in diplomatic activities and international trade, launch military campaigns, and sort out cultural and religious conflicts.
The scenarios featured in Making History II are based on events that took place in 1933, 1936, and 1939. The player can command fighter planes to make an assault on naval units. Coal, as opposed to oil or metal is the most essential resource that a nation’s economy needs to be self-sufficient. Industry output and production will be used for research and improving livelihoods in the countryside. Careful and strategic management of these aspects will result in a fully operational nation with bustling metropolises. The game offers a 3D world map as well as a wide selection of tactical enhancements and weapon systems that enable players to upgrade their existing forces.