Mystery Trackers: Raincliff is a hidden object-adventure game developed by Elephant Games and published by Big Fish Games. It is the second installment in the Mystery Tracker series, and follows the story of a group of university students who have mysteriously disappeared in the abandoned town of Raincliff. This town has remained uninhabited for a decade ever since a series of paranormal events took place there. The player assumes the role of a detective, who visits Raincliff to find out what happened to the students and their driver. The player will soon realize that there are other entities living in Raincliff, and it is his/her job to accomplish the given tasks despite their presence.
The player starts off with just a few places to explore, but more locations are unlocked as the player progresses in the game. The phantoms that live in Raincliff cause some chaos to throw off the player, because they do not want him/her to discover the town’s dark secrets. The player must find hidden objects and solve numerous puzzles in order to obtain clues about the missing students. The game offers three modes: Casual, which provides sparkling clues and a fast-charging hint button, Advanced which does not offer sparkles and loads the hint button slowly, and Hard, which provides no hints at all.